Sunday, March 26, 2006

i thought there were jungles in bengal!

well maybe there is. but me and shano haven't seen any yet... we are in calcutta, and as far as jungles are concerned i guess you could say it's a 'concrete jungle' as rahul would put it.
we arrived this morning by train (36 hours) and today we have been around a bit; we have seen the mother teresa's mother home (which is not actually a home for anyone except the mothers) and we were a bit dissappointed because there were no children or anything. however, they gave us directions to go and see the actual homes, so maybe we'll do that tomorrow.
we are leaving tomorrow night to Bodgaya in the middle of Bihar, that should be cool. I have never been to Bihar, I've only heard many bad jokes about its politicians (read:second project week last year) in bodgaya there are buddhist temples everywhere; supposedly there is one for each country that has a major buddhist population. woho, i'm excited.
after that we are heading to varanasi, major pilgrim destination, where we are most probably in for a 'hinduism overdose' as shane put it. oh well. i suppose we will be dirty by then and in need of some purification, be it spiritual or physical.

on monday i had a funny experience. me, sukanya and nikhil were waiting for this restaurant to open, and right next to the restaurant there is a major movie theatre (inox). so we decided to go on a adventure - we snook in through some doors and all of a sudden we found ourselves in the middle of some hindi movie - malamaal weekly, if i remember correctly. then we went outside, and i stepped in dirt. so then i went to the bathroom in mc donalds to clean my feet. with the bumshower.
maybe it doesn't sound like that much of an adventure. actually it looks kind of lame now that i see what i just wrote. anyway, we had fun. and inox hates us now.

that's all. maybe bodgaya will have more to report on than calcutta has so far provided. dhanyavad.


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